
Or: letting my wife see my personal calendar.

So yes, I keep all my personal calendar items in the O365-hosted account calendar. But that doesn’t stop our family from having the calendar sharing problems that apps like GetClockwise Cozi or even shared Google or iCloud calendars try to solve.

The problems we ran into with Cozi were that we had to actually put the items there, then subscribe to the Cozi calendar from everywhere, when most of the time i’m looking at a calendar, I want to look at a single calendar. Can I agree to host this PTO event, or is my wife going to be out of town? Seeing the free/busy from her calendar, my calendar, etc. in one place got difficult.

So I went back to basics: Exchange can publish free/busy data. If everyone is an O365 subscriber, can’t we just share cross-organization? And the answer is that yes we can… IF the organization allows it! Since I am the admin for the TNS organization, I can share my calendar out, and not have to forward events everywhere. here’s how:

First, the admin has to follow the steps here: – Log into the Admin Center, click “Show all”, then “Settings” and finally “Serivces & add-ins”. The list of add-ins will change (as of today it includes Azure MFA, Calendar, Cortana, Directory Synchronization, and a host of other services), but you’re looking for “Calendar”. Click that and you’ll get this pane slide in from the left:

O365 Admin Center Calendar Sharing Settings

Click “Let your users share their calendars with people outside of your organization who have Office365 or Exchange” and “Save Changes”.

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! Now click “Go to the Exchange admin center to manage additional settings”, and click “organization”:

O365 Admin Center Organization Sharing page

From here, under the “individual sharing” section you can create a new policy (which has to be assigned to users), or hit the pen to edit he “Default Sharing Policy” and get this page, where you can add the domain you want, and the amount of data to allow users to share (up to and including):

O365 Sharing Rule for Default Policy

Once that’s shared, you can save everything and log out. Now it’s up to the individual users to follow the settings here:

But realize that private events will NOT be visible in a shared calendar view. You’ll be able to load the free/busy data when scheduling, but not see the events in an overlay, even if you allow greater organizational sharing (as I have in the screenshot above). Since my wife’s work, and my other work account are both O365 tenants, I was able to share more-relaxed versions of my calendar with both organizations, send to the individual email addresses, and now we can see synchronized calendar overlays in our own work Outlook calendars.

I recently had a co-worker trying to figure out a “lost email” problem we were possibly experiencing. He was blind to everything after hitting “send” because the intermediate servers weren’t sending delivery recipets, even though they were requested in the MIME header (Does any mail admin allow those to be sent out of the organization these days?) So, to help him out, I wrote up the following “how to test SMTP by hand” HOWTO.

First step is to determine which servers are responsible for mail delivery inbound for the domain you’re sending to. You do this by looking in DNS for the “MX” type records. These are provided in the format “priority servername.domain.” Priority is reverse-ordered. The easiest way to remember priority order is that it’s the order in which servers are attempted.

rob@rob-kubuntu3:~$ dig MX +short
rob@rob-kubuntu3:~$ dig MX +short

This tells you the servers, in order, that *all* mail will be sent to for the domain listed. So, anything to my address will go to The higher priorities are only used if the lower priorities fail to answer. If no server answers, the mail is held by the sender and retried, generally every 1 or 4 hours for up to 4 days, but this retry is configured on the *sending* server. That means, your own email admin (or you, if you’re the mail admin).

Next thing to check is: does the server work, and is it your sender, or their receiver? Check with telnet!
Stuff I type is in red:

rob@rob-kubuntu3:~$ telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 6.0.3790.4675 ready at Tue, 31 May 2011 08:43:08 -0500
250 Hello []
250 2.1.0 OK
250 2.1.5
354 Start mail input; end with .
subject:test manually

250 2.6.0 Queued mail for delivery
221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel
Connection closed by foreign host.

The last “.” is SUPER important – it tells the mail server when you’re done sending that email. You could use that channel to send other messages, rather than sending “QUIT” if you’d like. You might notice that I entered the “From” and “To” lines twice. The first entries are for the SMTP header (analogy would be the message envelope), and the second entries are for the MIME headings (analogy would be the return address header in a formal postal letter, if anyone sends those). The MIME headings are what most mail programs display, and actually don’t technically need to match the SMTP header (but if MIME and SMTP don’t match many anti-spam programs will throw out the message).

The MIME header is pretty complex, but not order-dependant, although I prefer to enter it in order, so that I can be sure I don’t miss anything.
If you want to add an attachment, just base64 encode it first with:
perl -e 'use MIME::Base64; qw(encode_base64); print encode_base64("@ARGV");' cat
Then you can just paste it into the email. In the MIME heading (right after the subject), just add (with the appropriate mime coding, probably application/octet-string:

Content-Type: application/zip;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;
<paste your base64 encoded attachment/ >
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Type your message here, ending with a “.” Standalone on a line.

Now that you know *how* to send an email message by hand, you can use the returned error codes to troubleshoot where the message may be disappearing. Remember, that this just gives you transport troubleshooting between yourself and the initial destination mail server. Many large (and even medium-sized) organizations will have a perimeter mail server which then forwards the message to one or more internal servers. If the mail is being dropped at that point, you’ll have to contact the reciever with the proof that their server is accepting your messages.

I’ve been fighting K9Mail for weeks now, trying to get it to sync with MailStreet who hosts “”) hosted Exchange. If you’ve already followed the instructions at the K9Mail Wiki with no success, read on.

Thanks to the k9mail wiki on debugging connection issues and the fact that I already had the Android SDK installed, I was able to solve the 2 related errors I was getting. I would either get an “HTTP 404 not found” or an “HTTP 501 Not Implemented” depending on the settings I chose. With no additional settings other than suggested in the Wiki, I’d get a “501 not implemented”. If I tried to set a mailbox path, or a WebDAV path, I’d get the HTTP 404 Not Found.

In the debugging log, I saw that the system was calling “http://mail.$”$webDAVpath/Inbox – if I set it to a full URL, the full URL was getting appended. When I attempted to hit those same paths in a full browser, I’d always get an HTTP 404. So, digging in my history in Firefox, I found the following (cleaned) path:
In this case $emailaddress was my Exchange mail address with the “@” stripped out. Appending “Inbox” to the end of this path resulted in a valid load of my OWA inbox.

Plugging then: /exchange/$emailaddress/ into the WebDAV box in K9Mail, and my email immediately loaded up.

Now I have Android syncing my calendars and contacts, and k9mail is handling my massive inbox!

As I mentioned in my last clustering post, there are some Exchange problems we’ve been working on over the past few weeks.  One of the simpler problems has a complex answer, so I thought I’d explain a bit.

As any good Exchange administrator knows, Exchange stores its data (for a store) in 2 files, the EDB file, and the STM file.  However, there’s not a really great explanation of the differences between the two files – the best I’ve found so far is at, but they only explain that the STM is MIME formatted, and the EDB is MAPI content. Why, though, and how does it affect the end users? This is what we’ll explore. (more…)

I’ve been very busy with clients over the past 2 weeks, troubleshooting Clustering problems, Exchange issues, and planning a new trust relationship, on top of normal maintenance and design. As I solve each issue, I’ll be posting what I can about them. This week we were able to solve the odd clustering problem…

We’ve seen some issues over the past approximately 2 months, particularly with MS SQL 2000 clusters (1 Exchange 2003 cluster), where the cluster group fails on one node, and the other node (or nodes) fails to pick up the group, leaving the complete cluster group offline. In each of the cases (on both HP and Dell hardware) the first striking piece of evidence in the logs is that all nodes that fail to bring up the cluster report that the Cluster IP Address resource couldn’t be brought online, because of an IP address conflict on the network

Making this issue particularly fun is that most of the information we used to solve the problem, is a lack of information.  In particular, there is absolutely nothing interesting at all in any nodes’ cluster.log file.You see the disks negotiate from node to node, but nothing that makes the failover look any different than if you had right-clicked the group and chosen “Move Group” from Cluster Administrator.

What starts the problem off is Event ID 1228 from source “ClusNet”, which says that the “ClusNet driver couldn’t communicate with the ClusSvc for 60 seconds, the Cluster service is being terminated.” Most of the time, you might even miss that this event is there, because it causes so many Event Source Tcpip, ID 4199; Source ftdisk, ID 57; and Source ntfs event ID 50 events, that it’s easy to look over 1 little error. Especially when monitoring systems like Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM), or Idera SQLDiagnostics Manager (SQLDiag) or HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM) all report the cluster as having issues 30-60 seconds after the CluNet 1228 event is written (timing which corresponds exactly to the Tcpip 4199 events (IP address conflict) or the ftdisk 57 events (failed to flush transaction data). So, here’s what happens, based on conversations with Microsoft, training with Microsoft and HP, and a LOT of reading. (more…)

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